Rugs For Sale Under $500

Would you like a vintage rug without breaking the bank? We have rugs for sale at under $500!

At Curio Rugs, we understand that luxury doesn’t have to come with an exorbitant price tag. That’s why we proudly present our remarkable collection of rugs under $500, bringing elegance within reach for discerning buyers like you. Our timeless masterpieces instantly elevate any room, creating an ambiance of refinement and beauty. 

Indulge in the opulence of our rugs, each woven with timeless artistry and steeped in the rich cultural heritage of Persian rugs. Our expert curators have meticulously chosen every piece, ensuring that only the finest examples are part of our inventory. Each rug tells a story, detailing the tradition and craftsmanship that have withstood the test of time. Shop our collection now to find the perfect vintage rug for sale for under $500!

Sensational Persian Rugs Under $500

Why settle for ordinary when you can adorn your home with a rug that exudes sophistication and class? Owning one of our rugs under $500 can enhance your decor and lifestyle without costing an obscene amount. Do you want to decorate your home with the intricate designs, vibrant colors, and luxurious textures that only a Persian rug can provide? Get in touch with Curio Rugs today to discover the difference one of our vintage rugs for sale under $500 can make for your home!


Rugs For Sale Under $500